civic association, established in 2008, focuses on architectural activism in order to stimulate the communication and interaction between the professionals and the general public. In the beginning the association focused on the analysis of the public space using the Urban Interventions project. Urban Interventions are a long-term initiative inviting architects to propose implementable solutions for neglected public space in the city, hoping that changes, no matter how small, may substantially influence an urban context. This project took place in eleven cities
in Slovakia and the Czech Republic and is being prepared in four more. Later, the association extended its activities to include curatorship (expositions of Urban Interventions in Bratislava, Brno, and Prague) and publishing (the book “Urban Interventions, With love, your architects” – Slovart 2010). The possibilities and abilities of the public in physical interaction with municipal movables were investigated by the project of the “Ba-lik” foldable stage and pavilion. Since 2010, Urban Interventions have organized the “Spolu” (Together) festival (Spolu Šobov 2010 and 2011, Spolu Klenovec 2012, Spolu Moldava 2014), an event aiming at forming neighbourhoods using cultural events. This involves collaboration with associations working with the Roma community.

Since 2012, We Are the City civic association, is a part of the Aliancia Stará Tržnica team (Old Marketplace Alliance), working on the restoration
of the Old Marketplace, a national cultural heritage in the centre of the city, preparing a transformation thereof to a centre of culture. Other projects
include the collaboration with the community living in one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Bratislava called “500 Bytov” (500 apartments). The first phase of the project aimed at the co-ordination of colours of newly insulated facades of old buildings. At the bus terminus under the SNP Bridge, Urban Interventions have implemented two projects: the “Zelené námestie” (Green Square) street-art intervention and “Prelet” (Flythrough), a new lighting. Apart from that, the civic association organizes monthly discussions titled “Bratislová” focusing on Bratislava and aspects forming the city.
The founding members of Urban Interventions are Matúš Vallo and Oliver Sadovský.